E-Filing FAQ
Criminal – Subsequent Filings only
At this time, a Bail Forfeiture/Motion to Set Aside Summary Judgement, cannot be filed on this site.
Juvenile Delinquency – Subsequent Filings only
Juvenile Dependency - Case Initiation and Subsequent Filings
No fees are associated with the any Juvenile Filings.
The eFileCA website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Cases are reviewed and processed by court staff during the normal business hours.
Yes, pro se parties are eligible to use the site for e¬filing. However, it is not mandatory they do so.
Yes, all users must register prior to using eFileCA at https://california.tylertech.cloud/
Under the question icon menu click Support or go to https://odysseyfileandservecloud.zendesk.com. Here you can search for answers to your questions.

You can also contact the Tyler Technologies efiling support team by clicking Contact Us in the upper right hand corner or go to https://odysseyfileandservecloud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Court Staff are not able to provide assistance or answer questions about filing information