Fill out and copy your forms
You will need to provide the original and at least one photocopy of each form:
- Petition for Probate (Form DE-111) and all attachments
- Original Will (if there is one)
- Notice of Petition to Administer Estate (Form DE-121)
- Duties and Liabilities of Personal Representative (Form DE-147)
- Confidential Supplement (Form DE-147S)
You also may need to file the following forms if you need to prove a Will:
- Order for Probate (Form DE-140)
- Letters (Form DE-150)
- Proof of Holographic Instrument (Form DE-135)
- Proof of Subscribing Witness (Form DE-131)
Give notice by mail to all interested persons
All persons or entities (such as churches or other charities) named in the Will, including each person or corporation nominated as executor, and all persons who would be entitled to inherit as heirs by intestate succession (even if the decedent left a Will) are entitled to receive notice of the Petition for Probate.
Additional information must be provided to the court if a person's address is unknown so that notice cannot be given. In that situation, you must make a reasonable effort to locate the missing person and file a declaration or affidavit to tell the court what steps you have taken.
If a citizen of a foreign country dies without leaving a Will or leaves a Will that does not name an executor, or if it appears from the Will that property will pass to a citizen of a foreign country, then notice must also be given to a recognized diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country, if that official maintains an office in the United States.Notice requirements:
Notice must be given by first class mail or by personally delivering a copy to each person or entity at least 15 days prior to the hearing. Each person should receive a copy of the "Notice of Petition to Administer Estate" showing the hearing date information. It is also recommended (but not required) that each person be sent a copy of the Petition for Probate with all attachments.
Note: If you are the person who is asking to be appointed as personal representative, you cannot mail the copies but must have someone else who is not a party mail the documents for you. After the copies have been mailed or delivered, have the person who mailed the documents complete the Proof of Service by Mail on the reverse side of the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate and sign the Proof of Service by Mail.
Check to make sure that all of the persons and entities listed under 9 of the Petition for Probate have been given notice. If additional space is needed, attach a separate page. File the signed Proof of Service by Mail with the court. -
Arrange for publication in the proper newspaper.
Time and manner of publication:
A copy of the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate must be published three times in the legal notice section of a newspaper of general circulation in the city where the decedent resided, with at least five days between the first and last publication (not counting the publication dates). The first publication date must be at least 15 days prior to the hearing.Proper newspaper:
It is very important to publish the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate in the proper newspaper since the cost of publication is expensive and may be several hundred dollars. If the city where the decedent resided publishes a qualified newspaper, that newspaper must be used, even if other newspapers are also sold or distributed within the city and the decedent never read the designated newspaper.You must contact the newspaper and provide them with a copy of the Notice of Petition to Administer Estate. Pay close attention to the publishing schedule and deadlines so that the publication can be completed within the time required by law, especially if the newspaper is published only once a week. Make sure the front side of the Notice has been completely filled out. Missing or incorrect information could result in defective publication and extra cost to have the Notice re-published.
After publication has been completed, an Affidavit of Publication must be filed with the court. Ask the newspaper whether it will file the Affidavit directly with the court or send it to you. Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure that the Affidavit is filed, even if the newspaper says they will do it for you.
File your proof of service and proof of publication
File your signed Proof of Service (the reverse side of Form DE-121) and signed Proof of Publication with the court. (Keep a copy for your records.)
File your bond (if required)
A bond is required of all personal representatives to protect interested persons, including beneficiaries and creditors, against the wrongdoing of the personal representative. A bond is not required if the Will waives the bond requirement, or if all beneficiaries sign a waiver of the bond requirement and the written waivers are attached to the Petition for Probate.
The court will ordinarily require a non-resident personal representative to file a bond even if the Will waives bond.
If a bond is required, the amount of the bond will be fixed based on the estimated value of the decedent's personal property, plus the value of the decedent's real property (if the personal representative is given full authority under the Independent Administration of Estates Act), plus the estimated value of the annual gross income of all of the estate's property.
Bond can be reduced by requesting limited authority (so that real property cannot be sold without a court order), or by agreeing to deposit marketable securities and/or cash not required for estate administration into a blocked account that cannot be withdrawn without a court order.
Go to your hearing
Appear before the court at the scheduled hearing date. After the hearing, the clerk will file the signed Order for Probate and give you back your copies of the Order. You are to take the endorsed copy of the Order for Probate to the Clerk’s Office to be certified and to obtain Letters.
- 資格條件:
如果您在遺囑中被任命為遺囑執行人,而您已年滿18歲且未受監護或不存在無法履行遺產代理人職責的狀況,那麼您便符合資格。如果您沒有被任命為遺囑執行人或逝者沒有遺囑,那麼您還必須為美國居民且可以優先被任命為遺產管理人(若沒有遺囑)或法院指派的遺產管理人(若有遺囑但您沒有被任命為遺產執行人)。 - 優先任命:
如果沒有遺囑或遺囑沒有指定遺產執行人(或受指定之人由於過世或不想接受任命而無法履行職責) ,那麼與逝者有關的人士有權按以下順序接受任命- 在世配偶(但是:如果已提出離婚訴訟但在逝者死亡前未完成離婚訴訟,且在世配偶在逝者死亡當日與逝者為分居狀態,那麼在世配偶有權在逝者兄弟姐妹的順序後接受任命)
- 子女
- 孫子女
- 其他後代
- 父母
- 兄弟姐妹(包括逝者同父異母或同母異父的兄弟姐妹,但不包括繼兄弟和繼姐妹——請參閱已故配偶的後代)
- 兄弟姐妹的後代(逝者的姪女、外甥女、侄子、外甥)
- 祖父母
- 祖父母的後代(逝者父母的兄弟姐妹優先,然後為逝者的堂兄弟姐妹或表兄弟姐妹)
- 已故配偶的子女
- 已故配偶的其他後代
- 其他近親屬
- 已故配偶的父母
- 已故配偶父母的後代
- 在逝者去世時以遺產監管人或監護人身分行事,已提交第一個帳目且不為其他任何人擔任監管人或監護人的人士
- 公共管理人
- 債權人
- 其他任何人(逝者的鄰居、朋友、其他非親屬)
- 遺囑認證請願書(表單DE-111)及所有附件
- 遺囑正本(如果有)
- 遺產管理請願通知書(表單DE-121)
- 遺產代理人的職責和責任(表單DE-147)
- 補充保密資料(表單DE-147S)
- 遺囑認證令(表單DE-140)
- 授權書(表單DE-150)
- 自書遺囑證明(表單DE-135)
- 簽名證人證明(表單DE-131)
- 遺囑認證請願書:
必須回答每個問題,並完整填寫每一章節中的所有內容。如果一個問題或章節涉及附件,則該資訊必須涵蓋在單獨的紙頁中(或文件中,如有要求),並附在請願書上。若沒有填寫完遺囑認證請願書的全部章節(含附件),則可能會導致聽證會日期延後,直至提交書面補充資料來提供缺失的資訊。請造訪公用DOMAIN網站,查閱遺產認證審查員的檢查清單 (Probate Examiner’s Checklist)。
請願書所需的附件數量視每位逝者的遺產的具體情況而定。請參閱此章節下方的「通知和遺囑」(若逝者留下遺囑)。 - 遺產管理請願通知書:
此表單有兩個用途:1) 用於報紙公示,以及2) 向有權接收通知的個人告知聽證會日期。填寫此表單的正面並將此表單與遺囑認證請願書一起提交。您將需要提交正本和至少一份影本。
歸檔書記官將在文件上寫下案件編號,並將正本和影本返還給您。請勿僅提交影本。您將需要用此表單來通知利害關係人,並用於公示。 - 遺產代理人的職責和責任:
此表單概述了遺產代理人的職責和責任。被任命的每個人都必須在此表單背面簽名。 - 補充保密資料:
被任命的每個人都必須提供此表單所需的資訊,包括遺產代理人的出生日期和駕照編號。若遺產代理人沒有駕照,填寫加州身分編號亦可。還應註明遺產代理人沒有駕照。 - 遺囑認證令:
此表單的正本和至少一份影本應與其他表單一起提交至法院。聽證會結束後,若法官核准遺囑認證請願書並任命您為遺產代理人,才會將影本返還給您。 - 授權書:
此表單用作遺產代理人的就職宣誓,可將此表單給予任何需要證明的人,以證實您已被任命為遺產代理人且有權代表遺產行事。 被任命的每個人都必須在此表單簽名。(若不止一人被任命,則被任命的所有人都必須在同一份表單上簽名。)此表單應與其他所有表單一併交給歸檔書記官,但在提交時,書記官不會歸檔授權書或向您返還任何影本。
銀行或產權公司之類的機構通常需要認證副本,為此需要額外支付費用。一些機構(如股票轉讓代理機構)也要求必須在歸檔書記官認證之日起60天內提交授權書。 - 自書遺囑證明:
若逝者留下自書(手寫)遺囑,則必須填寫此表單。遺囑影本必須作為附件4提交。 - 簽名證人證明:
- 經證實的遺囑(又稱「有人作證的遺囑」):
傾倒遺囑是與可撤銷信託有關的經證實的遺囑(也可能自我證明),將受遺囑認證的逝者全部財產交予可撤銷信託的受託人。 - 自書遺囑:
自書遺囑是遺囑人親自手寫的遺囑。 自書遺囑無需在證人或公證人面前簽署。如果有至少一名直接認識遺囑人且對遺囑人的筆跡有所了解的證人證明遺囑人的筆跡,則自書遺囑可進行遺囑認證。 - 法定遺囑:
- 有權接收通知的人士:
如果外國公民沒有留下遺囑便去世或所留遺囑中沒有指定遺囑執行人,或如果在遺囑中將遺產轉讓給外國公民,那麼必須向該國公認的外交或領事官員送達通知(若該官員在美國有辦公室)。 - 通知要求:
- 公示的時間和方式:
遺產管理請願通知書影本必須在逝者居住城市廣為發行的報紙的法律公告版面上公示三次,且第一次和最後一次公示時間需相隔至少五天(不包括公示日期)。第一次公示日期必須在聽證會前至少15天。 - 適當的報紙:
從提交遺囑認證請願書到向遺產代理人發出授權書,通常需要四到六週時間。若存在緊急情況,急需在遺囑認證法官審理遺囑認證請願書之前任命遺產代理人,您可以單獨提交特別管理請願書 (Petition for Letters of Special Administration)。特別管理授權書是由遺囑認證法官單方面(無需聽證會)為特殊目的而核准的臨時授權書。
除非已提交遺囑認證請願書,否則將不會批准特別管理請願書。您應使用遺囑認證請願書表單(司法委員會表單DE-111),包括第3.f.(3) 節中的附件,以說明需要特別管理授權書和特定權利的理由。將這些文件以及「遺產代理人的職責和責任」和「補充保密資料」,一併提交至書記官辦公室。