Traffic Court
Oakland Wiley W. Manuel法院
Dublin East县司法厅
请知悉,目前尚未允许免预约出庭,且高度建议客户通过远程视频出庭。 如需了解详细信息,请访问加州高等法院Alameda县网站,了解利用BlueJeans远程出庭,查询交通常见问题解答或致电书记员办公室,取得有关如何申请远程出庭的指南。
如果您希望亲自出庭,请联系书记员办公室安排出庭时间。 会提前90至120天安排日期。
停车罚单不由高等法院裁决。 如需了解有关停车罚单和支付程序的详细信息,请联系开单城市或乡镇。
拖欠的交通罚款将转介给我们的催收机构。 本法院网站的在线工具“支付您的交通罚单”不可用于支付拖欠的罚款。 请前往催收机构网站支付您拖欠的交通罚款。 如果您对拖欠账户有任何疑问,请致电 (844) 544-5358联系催收机构。
Información importanterespecto a Infracciones y Multas de Tránsito.
Traffic Court Services
Pay Your Traffic Ticket
Traffic Court Basics
Learn about different ticket types, how to request a lower fine, and delinquent traffic fines.
Contesting a Traffic Ticket
Learn how to contest a ticket and prepare for court.
Traffic School
Learn eligibility requirements for attending traffic school.
Coming Soon: How to check for Traffic School completion.
- 罚单的日期和时间
- 受罚的违规行为
- 开单机构
- 承诺出庭的地点与时间
- 罚单编号
- 轻罪方框
- 违反法规的地点
- 开单警员



- 保释金额,根据违规事项和之前的驾驶记录。
- 机械违规的纠正证明要求
- 强制出庭要求
- 交通学校资格要求
- 礼貌性通知包含了寄给法院的回邮信封。
如果您在收到罚单后四 (4) 周内都未接获礼貌性通知,请携带您的罚单到法院的其中一个交通部门窗口。未收到礼貌性通知不能成为未处理罚单的合法借口。您有责任在到期日之前处理罚单。通过邮寄提交款项和/或文件时,可给予10天的递送和处理时间。
- 本法院未收到来自执法机构的罚单原件。
- 您未向机动车辆管理局告知当前的住址,且向警员出示驾照时您并未提供变更后的住址。
- 罚单上填写的住址不正确或不完整。
- 罚单可能缺少信息,并寄回给警员进行修改或修正。
- 邮局失误。
如果您因经济困难而无法支付基本家庭支出,以及全额的交通罚款,您可以请求法庭考虑您的付款能力。 如果您符合资格,本法院可能会减少您的欠款金额。
1.如果您接收以下公共福利:社会安全生活补助金 (Supplemental Security Income, SSI) 、州补助金 (State Supplementary Payment, SSP)、CalWORKS、面向部落的困难家庭临时援助 (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF) 计划、一般救济 (General Relief, GR) 计划、一般援助 (General Assistance, GA) 计划、移民现金援助计划 (Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants, CAPI)、居家支援服务 (In-Home Supportive Services, IHSS) 或Medi-Cal,
家庭人数 |
家庭收入 |
家庭人数 |
家庭收入 |
家庭人数 |
家庭收入 |
家庭人数 |
家庭收入 |
如果家庭成员多于8人,请在表格中列出家庭人数和收入以进行裁定 |
1 |
$3,391.67 |
3 |
$4,358.33 |
5 |
$5,229.17 |
7 |
$6,004.17 |
2 |
$3,875.00 |
4 |
$4,841.67 |
6 |
$5,616.67 |
8 |
$6,391.67 |
- 被告可在裁决时、或尚未支付判决时请求付款能力判定,包括拖欠或已转介给催收机构的案件(《车辆法规》第42003(c) 条)。
- 付款能力裁决仅限违规(不包含轻罪或重罪)。
- 一旦法院对您的付款能力进行判定,但如果您的财务状况有所变更,您可以请求法院重新考虑。
- 其他州的军事任务
- 住院
- 监禁
- 您并非受到裁罚的人士
- 在交通法庭的首页下载表格,
- 填写表格,
- 邮寄或亲自将表格提交至位于Fremont、Oakland (Wiley W. Manuel)、或Dublin(East县司法厅)的交通法庭
- 。虽然您无需提交“合理事由”的证据,但我们强烈建议您提交。
Oakland:Wiley Manuel法院
Oakland:Wiley Manuel法院
不是驾驶员? 如果您打算将罚单从名下移除,请不要支付罚单。
- 填写“保释无责任宣示”文件的“选项A:若非驾驶员之无责任宣示”部分。
- 使用预先印制的回信地址,供红灯摄像头供应商将文件寄回以进行处理。
开立给青少年的交通违规罚单由高等法院交通部门处理和裁定。 礼貌性通知从罚单开立日期开始算起四周内,将会根据罚单列出的住址寄送给青少年的父母/监护人。请完全按照通知上的指示采取行动。
如果该青少年未在过去18个月内参加交通学校,其便可能有资格参加交通学校。18个月从发生违规行为的日期开始算起,而不是最后一次参加交通学校算起。 必须支付法院管理费用以及交通学校费用。完成交通学校课程后,便会撤回罚单。
如果该青少年有意针对罚单进行抗辩,父母/监护人必须排定听证会,且父母/监护人必须与青少年一同出庭。 父母/监护人可以亲自或以邮寄的形式完成此事。
- 根据《刑法》(Penal Code, PC) 第1464条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$10.00,70%分配给州审判法院信托资金;30%分配给县政府一般资金。
- 根据《政府法典》(Government Code, GC) 第76100条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$2.00分配给县立法院建造资金。
- 根据《政府法典》第76101条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$2.50分配给县立监狱建造资金。
- 根据《政府法典》第76102条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$0.50分配给县立自动指纹资金。
- 根据《政府法典》第76104条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$2.00分配给Maddy紧急医护资金(州/县政府分开)。
- 根据《政府法典》第70372.(a) 条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$3.00分配给州法院设施建造资金。
- 根据《政府法典》第76104.6条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$1.00分配给DNA识别资金(州/县政府分开)。
- 根据《政府法典》第76104.7条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$3.00分配给DNA识别资金(州/县政府分开)。(对于在2006年7月12日当天/之后发生的违规行为,每$10.00中的前$1有效;对于在2010年6月10日当天/之后发生的违规行为,每$10.00的前$2有效。)
- 根据《政府法典》第70372(a) 条规定,每$10.00/基础罚款中的$2.00分配给州法院设施建造资金——立即和重大需求账户。
- 根据《车辆法规》第42006条规定收取夜间法庭评估费用
- 根据《车辆法规》第40508.6条规定收取机动车辆管理局 (Department of Motor Vehicles, DMV) 记录费用
- 根据《刑法》第1465.7条规定收取百分之二十的刑事额外费用
- 根据《刑法》第1465.8条规定收取法院安全费用
- 根据《政府法典》第70373条规定收取的刑事判定评估,将归入州法院设施建造资金——立即和重大需求账户(根据各判定评估)。
- 根据《政府法典》第29500(c) 条规定收取罚单处理费用。
违反法规 | 基础罚款 | 附加罚金 | 夜间法庭罚款 | 机动车辆管理局费用 | 20%刑事额外费用 | 法院安全费用 | 总罚款金额 |
《车辆法规》第12814.6条未能遵守驾照规定。 | $35.00 | $104.00 | $1.00 | $10.00 | $7.00 | $40.00 | $197.00 |
《车辆法规》第14600 (A) 条未能在10天内提交地址变更通知给机动车辆管理局。 注意:若持有效的纠正证明,罚金可能予以减少。 |
$35.00 | $104.00 | $1.00 | $10.00 | $7.00 | $40.00 | $197.00 |
如果您想针对开罚实体(市、县等)就您的停车违规所作出的行政听审决定提出上诉,您可以从邮寄该停车违规决定日期算起的30天内,向高等法院提出上诉。 请遵循开罚实体提供给您的指示。
如果您选择提出上诉,您必须对位于Rene C. Davidson Courthouse, 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland,或位于Hayward Hall of Justice, 24405 Amador Street, Hayward的高等法院民事法庭提出上诉。 如果您决定提出上诉,将需要支付$25的上诉费用。
May 1, 2017 - The Court has recently adopted a new program for individuals who are unable to pay traffic fines. For more information, click on the topic "What if I cannot afford to pay?" above, under Traffic Court General Information & FAQs.
Payments may be made online, using our automated phone system (IVR) 1-866-822-0560, by mail, and in person.
To pay by Internet
Click this link to pay your citation online. VISA and MasterCard accepted. Please note: Some citations cannot be processed online.
To pay by telephone
You can pay your citation over the telephone using our Automated Phone System (IVR) 1-866-822-0560. You will need a touch-tone telephone and a credit card (VISA and MasterCard accepted). Please follow the instructions on your courtesy notice for the appropriate phone number to call. There is a $6.00 convenience fee to use this service. Please note: Some citations cannot be processed using the Automated Phone System.
To pay by mail
Write your case number on your check and all correspondence. Make checks/money orders payable to "Alameda Superior Court". Mail the return portion of the courtesy notice and payment to the Court address listed on the Reminder notice. VISA and MasterCard accepted.
To pay in person
Visit the courthouse's Traffic Division to pay your Citation, at the Traffic counter. VISA and MasterCard accepted.
If you plead guilty or are found guilty by the Commissioner, you will be fined. You may pay the amount of the fine that same day or enter into a contract to make monthly payments until the fine is paid. If you are unable to pay the fine, you may request volunteer work at your court appearance. With this option, you work your fine off at the rate of $31.00 per hour.
Fremont: Fremont Hall of Justice
Oakland: Wiley Manuel Courthouse
Dublin: East County Hall of Justice
Delinquent fines
Delinquent traffic fines are referred to our collection agency. The court website online tool "Pay your Traffic Tickets" is not available for delinquent fines. Please go to the collection agency website to pay your delinquent traffic fine. If you have questions about your delinquent account, please call the collection agency at (844) 544-5358.
See also: Traffic Court Basics
Fix It - Proof of Correction
Correct (fix) the violation and then contact any law enforcement agency to arrange for an officer to verify and sign off on the correction. You can mail or bring the the signed verification to the Courthouse's Traffic Division along with the state mandated fee (40611 CVC) no later than the due date shown on your courtesy notice, to clear the violation.
Registration - Proof of Correction
If you are charged with expired registration, mail a copy of your current registration or bring your current registration to Courthouse's Traffic Division by the due date shown on your courtesy notice along with the state mandated fee (40611 CVC).
Driver's License - Proof of Correction
For driver's license violations, mail a copy of your driver's license or a citation/courtesy notice which has been signed off by the DMV or bring these or your driver's license to the Courthouse's Traffic Division by the due date shown on your courtesy notice along with the state mandated fee (40611 CVC).
Insurance - Proof of Correction
If you are charged with no proof of insurance, mail or bring proof that you were insured on the date of the violation to the Courthouse's Traffic Division counter by the due date shown on your courtesy notice along with the state mandated fee (40611 CVC).
Valid proof of insurance may be any one of the following:
- A photocopy of the official card issued by an insurance company showing name of the insurance company, including:
- policy number
- effective (beginning and ending) dates of the policy (policy must be in effect at the time of the violation)
- name of defendant or vehicle information (must match person or vehicle listed on the citation)
- A photocopy of the actual insurance policy providing all of the above information
- A statement on insurance company letterhead providing all of the above information
Notice to Correct (CHP 281)
This citation is issued by the California Highway Patrol for certain types of correctable violations. You are required to submit proof of correction(s) directly to the CHP within 30 days from date of violation. Failure to comply will result in the citation being referred to the court.
Why is there a proof of correction fee when the officer said there would be no fee?
The proof of correction fee is statutory (Vehicle Code section 40611) for all correctable violations.
Am I responsible for an equipment violation on a car I am driving that is not mine?
Yes, unless the ticket is issued in the name of the registered owner of the vehicle you are driving.
What if I have sold the car that was cited for an equipment violation or it is inoperable?
Selling a vehicle that has been cited for mechanical violations does not relieve the owner of the responsibility of the proof of correction for those violations. If you have sold or donated the car or it has become inoperable, you must set a court date to appear and provide proof of sale, donation, or inoperability to clear the ticket. You should support your case with any relevant paperwork.
DMV Hold
A DMV hold may be set for failure to appear (40508a CVC), or a failure to comply (40508c CVC). To clear a DMV Hold, you must post and forfeit bail or post bail and schedule a future court date. The DMV hold is removed once bail is posted.
Payment may be made online, using our Automated Phone system (IVR) 1-866-822-0560, in person, or by mail.
Note: if you want a trial, payment can only be made at the court, or via US Post, not online.
Make Money Order or Cashier's Check payable to CLERK OF THE COURT. Write your case number on the check and any correspondence. Mail the return portion of the courtesy notice and payment to the Court address listed on the courtesy notice. You will receive your court date, if needed, by return mail.
The Citation Date the officer writes next to WHEN on the citation indicates that by or before that date you should receive a Courtesy Notice.

When you receive the Courtesy Notice, it will have the actual Due Date for your citation.

If you have not received a Courtesy Notice by or before the Citation Date, contact us at Ask Traffic.
Failure to appear or to resolve a citation on or before the due date may result in a DMV hold being placed on your driver's license. Your bail may also be increased and a Civil Assessment imposed. A DMV hold will restrict your driving privileges and/or ability to register a vehicle. The citation may also be referred to a collection agency for the collection of payments due. In addition, the court may deem your failure to appear as an election to proceed with the case by trial by written declaration pursuant to Vehicle Code section 40903.
Attention: Failure to pay your fine may result in increased financial penalties.
Failure to Appear (40508a CVC)
Failure to appear on your scheduled court date may result in one or more of the following penalties:
- A Civil Assessment may be imposed and your case referred to collection
- You may be tried in absentia (in your absence)
Civil Assessment
Pursuant to Penal Code 1214.1, ". . . the court may impose a civil assessment of $100 against any defendant who fails, after notice and without good cause, to appear in court for any proceeding authorized by law or who fails to pay all or any portion of a fine ordered by the court."
Acceptable good cause is defined as written proof of medical incapacitation, hospitalization, incarceration, or out-of-state military duty. Proof must be verifiable and written on appropriate letterhead stationery.
Failure to respond within 15 days of a Civil Assessment notice will result in the entry of a civil judgment and referred to collection. In addition, a request may be sent to DMV to suspend your driver's license based on your failure to appear.
To avoid these penalties, the original bail plus the civil assessment amount must be received by the court within 15 days of the notice. Proof of correction for appropriate violations must accompany the payment to clear the case. Return the notice with your payment and any required proof of correction.
Owner's Responsibility
When a "hold" is issued, a notice is usually mailed to you. This notice informs you that additional fees were added to the original bail amount owed. Once the Court issues a "hold" on your citation, you may not be able to register your vehicle until this issue is resolved. Once the bail/fine is paid or a court appointment is reserved, the court will remove the DMV hold.
DMV Hold
When a "hold" is issued, a notice is usually mailed to you. This notice informs you that additional fees were added to the original bail amount owed. Once the Court issues a "hold" on your citation, you may not be able to renew your license until this issue is resolved.
Once the bail/fine is paid or a court appointment is reserved, the court will remove the DMV hold.
The due date shown on your courtesy notice may be extended only once. This one time extension of 30 days may be requested:
- Online
- At the Courthouse traffic counter (See your citation for appropriate location).
- By US mail (See your citation for appropriate location).
- By telephone (See your citation for appropriate location). Please have your case number or citation number ready.
Extensions for more than 30 days require a court appearance. Extensions may not be granted on delinquent matters.
What is a Photo Red Light Violation
Cameras have been installed at specific signal controlled intersections to take video and pictures of vehicles which cross the intersection on a red light. A photo is taken of the front of the vehicle and front license plate when the vehicle’s speed and position trip a sensor located before the intersection a photo is also taken of the driver when the vehicle enters the intersection on a red light. The photo information is submitted to law enforcement through an automated records database and a citation is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle.
Courtesy Notice
You will receive two courtesy notices, one from the Redlight Vendor and one from the Court. They will outline the details of your violation and your options to resolve the violation.
View Video Violation
The courtesy notice will provide steps on how you can view your violation online using the following link View Your Photo Red Light Video. You may also view your violation on kiosks located at the Citing Agency.
Payment may be made online, using our IVR phone system 1-866-822-0560, by mail, or in person.
Contest in Court
To contest your violation, please click on the topics "How do I contest my Citation" and "How do I prepare for Court" on this page.
Not the Owner
If you are the person in the Red Light camera photograph and were driving a company car, do the following: Have your company complete the "OPTION A: AFFIDAVIT OF NON-LIABILITY-IF YOU WERE NOT THE DRIVER" section on the 'Affidavit on Non Liability With Bail' document. Use the pre-printed return address for the Photo Redlight Vendor to send the document back for processing.
DO NOT SEND this document to the court. Doing so will result in delaying processing for your citation.
It is recommended that the requested documentation be sent certified mail with a return receipt.
Upon receipt of the above documentation, the Citing Agency will dismiss the citation from the company's name and issue a citation to the person that has been identified as the driver. The citation in the company's name will not be dismissed until the Court has received the completed identification form or payment has been made.
If the citation is to be taken out of the company name: DO NOT PAY THE CITATION.
Not the Driver
Please click on the topic "I was not the driver" on this page.